Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Friday, August 3, 2007

The Eeeeensy Weeensy Spider!!

This is really neat......if you like spiders!!
Every night around 10:00 p.m. this spider comes out an
spins the most incredible web just outside our back door
The spider itself is quite big, by spider standards!!and my first thought
was to squish it and get ready of the pesty bug.......but after I saw the incredible web
that it spins, and that the spider was not posing any immediate danger to our family.....we just let it "do it's thing" every night when the sun goes down! This has been going on for several nights now....and what is most interesting is that by the morning, when the sun comes up, there is no trace of the spider, or it's web. But around 10:00 p.m., it starts again.
On a few occasions I have checked it out in the wee hours of the morning....and usually the web has a few bugs captured in it.....and neatly wrapped in web.
I'd like to think this is some distant relative of Charlotte.....but probably not!!
Just imagine what God can spin and design in your life!!! If He has given that spider the ability to be so creative and organized.....Look how much more He wants for you and me!!!

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