Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Sunday, November 9, 2008

First Introductions

Madeline met her brothers and sister for the first time on Saturday. It was quite an exciting time for them also because they hadn't seen Daddy and Mommy since Wednesday night! What a joy to watch this reunion!

Everyone had a chance to hold the baby....
and she slept through it all!

Annabelle is trying out Madeline's hospital bed

A parting shot until Daddy, Mommy, and Madeline come home. which is scheduled for Sunday afternoon.
Grandpa and I (and Uncle Joel) will take the kids after church...feed them...then lay they down for naps before we take them home. Please pray for Emily as she recuperates from
her c-section.....and for a smooth transition into the daily routines of "4" children!!

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