Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Baby Dedication Pictures

This is Kurt and Heidi's Pastor Todd Kinde, Grace Bible Church, ( praying for each baby as they were dedicated.Above is Kirsten, and below is Rachelle. It was a very special service as the Pastor shared each baby's name and what it meant, then he prayed over each one individually. We were glad we could witness this special occasion.

Kirsten "sleeping like a baby"

Rachelle....."snug as a bug in a rug"

Grandpas and Grand-daughters (Ron and Ken)

The girls on their embroidered baby blankets....which
just happened to match their outfits!!!!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

How precious in God's sight, and ours too! I like the idea of personalizing the baby dedication. I bet it was very special. Glad you could attend with your family! Love you guys!