Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Friday, February 6, 2009

Two Weeks have Passed....Lots to Share!!

What a whirlwind the past two weeks have been! I'm sorry I haven't updated sooner....I just got behind:(

Ken's been remodeling Joel's bedroom: painting, carpet, rearranging furniture, etc. He also is painting the room Joel used to be to be our guest and toy room!
I had a root canal on Jan. 29th....what a lovely experience:)
But in the end....the tooth will be saved! Alright!

Sunday Feb. 1st Jason and Emily had Madeline dedicated to the Lord in a special service at our church...Rollins Christian Fellowship. It is a precious experience and very touching to see your Son and daughter-in-law commit to raise up their children in the ways of the Lord. I pray for our grandchildren....all 8 of them....every day! What a privilege!

Feb. 4th Jason traveled to Kurt and Heidi's to deliver the new bunk beds he made for nephews Andrew and Jon. Kurt and Heidi said the boys loved their new beds....and that Andrew was excited about sleeping in his "tall bed".
I went to CHS and listened to the Honors Ensemble practice for Solo and Ensemble! They did a beautiful job!! Congrats to the Ensemble, under the direction of Cori Brown for receiving a "First" division rating!
Feb. 5th Our daughter-in-law, Heidi, celebrated her 26th birthday! We are so thankful to have Heidi in our lives....she's a wonderful wife to our son Kurt, and wonderful Mom to Andrew, Jon, Kirsten and Rachelle, and a very special daughter-in-law!
We know you enjoyed your special day with Kurt and the kids....and are looking for to our visit next week! Happy Birthday Heidi....and may God continue to bless your life in many ways!
(a special surprise on Heidi's birthday was that Kirsten started to walk!!!)

Feb. 5th We went to U of M for another appointment with the scleroderma specialist. In addition to that appointment I had a CT scan of my lungs and a PFT (pulmonary function test).

Thank you for praying!!! And praise God my CT scan showed NO scleroderma in my lungs!! Our God is great....and He is the Great Physician!! we covet your prayers and the loving support you show us!! More good news.....I don't have to back to Ann Arbor for "4" months!

Feb. 5th......Dad and Mom came to stay with Joel while we were in Ann Arbor...they spent the night and went home Friday. Emily and the kids came over to see us too.....Great Grandma and Grandpa both held Madeline (now 3 months) and read books to Isaac, Seth, and Annabelle. Thanks Emily for all the "cleaning" help:)
I hope this finds everyone doing well and keeping away from colds and the flu! I'm going to make a better effort at updating the blog!!! thanks for being a special part of our lives!

Isaac and Seth in Uncle Joel's room
before the closet doors were painted and hung,

Friday with Grandma. Here's Grandpa reading
books to the boys when he got home from work.

Baby Dedication at Rollins Christian Fellowship
Jason, Emily and Madeline....Sunday, Feb. 1
and Pastor Lanning !

You can see Ken looking on from the choir loft!!Jason and Kurt putting the bunk beds
together. Jason made the bunk beds for
nephews Andrew and Jon! What a special gift!
Kurt and Heidi trying out the new bunks
with Andrew and Jon. Feb. 4th

They really like their new beds!!
Kurt and Heidi said it makes bedtime very easy!!

All made up and ready to go!

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