Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Middle Of September??? Where did summer go?

Jason and Kurt at Heritage in 1987
Isaac in 2009

Andrew in 2009

Andrew in front of his pre-school
Kurt in 1987 (4 years old)

What beautiful weather we have had in September!!! It's almost better than the summer weather all put together!! Labor Day weekend we had a cookout with Jason and Emily and their kids, plus Emily's Mom and sister and fam:) The weekend before my birthday Kurt and Heidi and kids came for a Saturday visit! It was a gorgeous day and we had a wonderful visit!
With the start of Fall so comes School! Three of our grandsons started school this September....Seth and Andrew are in pre-school, and Isaac started kindergarten! Alas.......a new chapter in our lives!!!
I turned another year older on September 17th....not much to get excited about......turning older....but I am very thankful to enjoy another birthday and am blessed by the events surrounding my special day....before and after!
I have started attending a Bible study on Tuesdays with Emily over at First Baptist in Cadillac...we are studying the book of Esther. I'm really looking forward to this ten week study in God's word and enjoying the fellowship with other women. On Wednesday night I am serving in our AWANA program at Rollins Christian Fellowship in Manton. I am helping lead the praise and worship time with Jason. Then for the rest of the evening I am enjoying taking random pics of clubbers in action!! I really enjoy using a camera....and I feel it's something I can do without getting to worn out:) I LOVE helping with music!!!! It reminds me of my many years spent teaching choir!
I am still having "Thursdays with Grandma"....but I'm down to 2 kids, Isaac and Annie" since Seth is at pre-school all day. I rest alot when I'm not doing anything.....just to keep up my strenghth when I can do things!
I know winter is just around the I am enjoying what I can do now before the snow flies!

I constantly have ideas floating around in my head that will be helpful for within a few weeks here I look forward to sharing those ideas on our blog! Till then.....Enjoy our cool crisp nights, falling leaves, beautiful colors, and little pinto ponies:)

Seth's first day of pre-school
Madeline at our Labor Day cook out
(right after supper)

Seth enjoying dessert
Jason and Emily on their "up-north" getaway

Ken and I with Kurt and Heidi's kids
The "Kurt Nichols" family
Kurt, Heidi, Jon, Andrew, Kirsten, Rachelle

Jonny picking blackberries
Rachelle and the little mower
Andrew also started pre-school this year!!

Kirsten....smelling Grandma's candle:)

Ken and I on my 54th Birthday

Joel and Mom
Isaac started Kindegarten this year!!
Just think......we have three grandson's in school this year!!!
Seems like just yesterday they were babies!

Annabelle on my birthday.
Annie and Isaac still have Thursdays with Grandma,
Seth is in school on I am going to try and
have him over on Fridays!!

Emily made me a birthday cake, plus a yummy supper

Jason and Mom

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