Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Thursday, May 6, 2010

This and That~~~~and a Few More Things:)

Joel's surgery went very well on April 23rd. He actually just got his staples removed on Wednesday......14 of them....and it looks like he will still have restricted use of the wrist for the next month or so.  He is a real trooper though, and the healing seems to be going quite well.  I don't want to gross anybody out....but here is the final product!
Dr. Bizzigotti did a super job and was really encouraging to Joel.

Our Mom Lois is home recovering from a medical procedure that is supposed to stop the plural effusion problem she has suffered for the past several months.  The 6 day hospital stay was very difficult and really wore her out....but slowly she is improving and gaining her physical strength daily. Dad is her main caregiver, along with the occasional help of  visiting nurse, and home health care workers. Linda and I try to get over to Onekama as much as possible. We appreciate your prayers and encouragement .  While visiting Mom at West Shore Hospital in Manistee, I saw a close friend from my high school days in Onekama, Sandy (Clouse) Nelson.  Sandy and I have been friends forever!!! We always enjoy catching up on life....and are looking forward to getting together this summer some time.

Thursday, April 29th was a HUGE day for me.  For the first time in over three years I drove all by myself to Grand Rapids!!! I was a little stiff....but very excited about this accomplishment!  I went there to attend a "Meet and greet" sponsored by the Michigan Chapter of the Scleroderma Foundation.  Another joy to the trip was that my roommate from college, Betsy Kindig Kettle, was able to take a day off from teaching and join me for the meet and greet.  We took full advantage of the day by going first to lunch at Applebees. then over to the event.
Above is a group picture of some of us that attended.
Betsy is to the right of me in the purple shirt.
We had a wonderful really enjoyed meeting
Scleroderma patients and advocates from the GR area.
Below is a picture of me with Laura Dyas, the Executive of the Michigan Chapter.
Ken and I traveled to Washington DC with Laura last October.

On May 1st I had the opportunity to speak to a group of ladies at the Jennings Community Church...close to Lake City.  The pastor of that church is Pastor Larry Shetenhelm....his wife is Kathy...many if you know them:)  The theme for the evening was "Aprons".  All of the ladies...and younger girls wore many beautiful aprons with  many unique stories and fascinating history behind them. Me....I wore a borrowed, yet adorable, apron from Emily. (our daughter-in-law)  I am embarrased to admit that I do not own an apron of my own. Yet after talking with Mom a few days later, I found out that I have an apron in from my childhood!!
I entitled my devotion "The Woman Behind the Apron".  I wish I could share the whole thing with you....but just know God provided the words..and I provided the outline.  He even gave me the strength to do sing special music AND accompany myself.  I can't tell you how much joy it brings to my heart that I may serve the Lord by speaking to various groups.  I pray for many opportunities and doors to open to glorify God in this capacity as I continue to strengthen physically.

Wednesday evening was our last official AWANA night at Rollins.  Next Wednesday is the "Fairmont Fair".  Jason and I have been leading praise and worship music with the club this year. We have truly enkoyed working with the children and seeing the clubbers grow spiritually (and musically:)  On Friday afternoons I have been teaching music to young fives and kindergarten at Heritage Christian School.  I have been teaching for the last 6 weeks for 30 minutes a week. I LOVE it....and I LOVE the children.  It is much different from teaching almost 200 kids per day....but I believe God is using me in a special way...and the children are so eager to learn.
Plus....I have a grandson in  class!!! That is so much fun!!
On Thursdays I am continuing to take care of Isaac and Annie while Emily works at Wexford Jewelry.  Grandma Karen takes care of Madeline on Thursdays at her house, and Seth is at pre-school. 
Kurt, Heidi, and children are doing well in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  Although we have only visited once....we talk on the phone and "skype"....which is video chatting over the internet!! We are so thankful for today's technology and are looking forward to our next visit!

Here are some pictures from AWANA awards night.

And last....but not least....our pony "Sugar Babe" arrived at our farm Wednesday evening.  She spent the winter in South Boardman at our friend's The Brittons!  We were so excited to see her again....and she adjusted very quickly to her home as if she had never left!!  More to follow....and thanks for reading this rather lengthy update.

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