Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Monday, October 29, 2007

I'm On An Amazing Journey with God!!!!

Greetings all! I'm not even sure where to I'll begin with a little background!

Most of you know that I posted my last blog in August, and you haven't heard from me since.

Well.....basically that's because I just haven't been feeling good.....and somehow my heart wasn't in updating you all about something I didn't know anything about!

So, here we go. I have been struggling with my health since my surgery last December. My doctor ran all sorts of tests and bloodwork, with nothing coming back conclusive, until September. After all of this and that, my final diagnosis is Scleroderma, which is a rare, auto-immune disease that presents itself as tight or hard skin. For some strange reason my body is producing too much collagen which causes the tightness in my hands/arms, feet/legs. It's very uncomfortable and downright annoying:::::::::::::::::::(

Anyway....the suggestions from my rheumatologist was to go on some pretty potent meds, and that in about a few months I may see some improvment, but that scleroderma cannot be cured, and basically you can just slow it down. Whoa I said! I just wasn't content to try out more meds to try and fix what meds may have done in the first after much discussion and prayer Ken and I felt in our hearts it was time to seek an additonal opinion from an alternative source. So we met with Dr. Scales, an internal medicine doctor who helps their patients get better through proper diet, nutrition, and supplements. After meeting with us , Dr. Scales was pretty convinced that my body was still struggling with the after math of toxins built up from my surgery...and a compromised immune system. The other suggestion was to just stop work for a while and detox my system, let my body rest and relax, and seek God's divine intervention in my body.

So here my journey continues! After much prayer and supplication God made a way for me to "get away" to a place called "Times of Refreshing "Ministries in Blairsville, Georgia. He also made it possible for me to have a medical leave from school until late November, and provided me with a wonderful substitute teacher, who just happens to be a former student!

This has truly been a step out on faith for Ken and I! Praise God I have a husband like Ken who is sooooooo understanding and supportive of this effort to heal my body. I have truly had peace of mind the whole way......lots of crying....but peace of mind!

My daily routine includes prayer and devotional time, excercise, juicing, and health therapies that provide a way for my immune system to recover and heal from the inside out!

The people here are just like being with family. They are loving, kind, and are in this ministry to provide a great place for people to rest, relax, refresh , and heal.

I am learning as I go and I am "learning to lean", "learning to lean" "learning to lean on Jesus
"finding more power than I've ever dreamed", "learning to lean on Jesus".
I am so thankful for the prayer support, cards, and phone calls I received from my family and friends. I feel bathed in prayer and love, and so excited that I can share this journey with you.
My parents, sister, and our children have been by my side all the way....and a true inspiration to me. Our mom is still undergoing chemotherapy and still has a way to go, but with God's grace she will come out on top. She and Dad have endured alot......but Praise God they have each other and the courage to meet the days ahead. Please continue to pray for Mom that she keeps up her strength and is comfortable.
On the home front.......Kurt and Heidi are expecting "TWIN BABY GIRLS!!!!!!" in early January.
We ae thrilled for them as they embark on the adventure of bringing these babies up in the Lord and all the excitement they'll experience in their home with Andrew(almost3), Jon (soon to be 1" and babies ___________ and _____________! I can't wait to get better so I can be of more help!
Jason, Emily, Isaac(4), Seth (2), and Annabelle (7months) are all doing great and enjoying the beautiful fall season.
Please pray for Ken and Joel as they are "batching" it right now. I have my cell phone here, and we'll be in touch frequently! I can receive e-mail at, or mail at
Judy Nichols
Times of Refreshing Ministries
1240 Reeves Road
Blairsville, Georgia 30512
Love to you all! Check back often!!

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