Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Please support me as I "Step Out For A Cure"!!

Dearest Friends, Family and Former Students,

In June of 2007 I was diagnosed with an incurable disease called "Scleroderma". This disease affected my skin, the largest organ in our bodies, and hardened my hands, arms, feet, and legs. Due to the disease I was no longer able to teach choral music at Cadillac Area Public Schools....and sadly had to retire in 2009 after 31+ years of teaching

Scleroderma crippled my hands, hardened my skin, took my career, but didn't steal my joy!!! . Actually it brought out a strong determination in my life to 'beat" this disease, advocate for others who are diagnosed, and assist in raising funds for patient education and awareness.

I had never heard of scleroderma until I was diagnosed with it. All I knew was there was no known cause, and no known cure.

The last three years of my life have been a tremendous adjustment for my family and myself. I am so thankful for their love and support!! In the past three years I have experienced many difficulties but my faith and determination remains strong!!

When I became ill I reached out to the Michigan Chapter of the Scleroderma Foundation, and they reached back to me!! Through literature, support groups, and a constant listening ear....they have made a difference in my life and the lives of others! Because of the foundation I have been able to meet many others afflicted with this disease , no two of us are alike!

I am asking you to support me as I "Step out " in finding a cure for scleroderma. On June 26th I am going to attempt to walk one mile!! Since scleroderma hardened my legs and feet....walking for the past three years has been very painful. It has only been in the last few months that I have gained mobility in my feet and legs and can walk more comfortably.

I want so much to be able to help make others aware of this awful disease. I have recently recorded a dvd entitled "Living With Scleroderma With a Smile" which will be on you-tube, Ken and I went to Washington DC with the executive director of the Michigan Chapter to rally support for two bills, and I am visiting different chapters throughout Michigan during their patient education day events. These trips totally whip me out....but in my is worth every minute if I can make a difference in someone else's life:)

I am asking you to "Please" support me in this endeavor!! Any amount will be greatly appreciated!! Every step that I take as I attempt to walk one mile will be for those who are suffering from this incurable disease!!! The sacrifice you make financially will bring hope and promise to so many others just like me!! I have set my fundraising target at $5,000....but am hopeful I will exceed that amount for the foundation!!

Currently Ken and I have over 1,450 friends on Facebook:) If each one of them gave $5.00, I would exceed my target goal!! I was thinking of things that cost $5.00 and came up with a massive list!! Just think...if you gave up 5 candy bars, 2 bags of chips, a rental movie, a caramel mocha, two gallons of gas, etc. You could help me reach my goal!!

PLEASE consider sponsoring me today....and watch with me as the $ grows daily until June 26th when I "Step Out For A Cure"!!! Thank you so much...and may God bless your life as you make a difference!!

Follow the link above to give online:)

If you prefer to send a check please make it out to:

Michigan Chapter of the Scleroderma Foundation

Send to Judy Nichols
1147 S. 37 Road
Cadillac, Michigan  49601

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