Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Friday, July 18, 2008

Bits and Pieces From This Past Week....

Last Sunday evening we had the joy of reuniting with some friends who we hadn't seen in 25 years. This is Randy and Cathy Hines ....Randy is a former youth pastor at Temple Hill Baptist Church in Cadillac. Ken and I were youth sponsors when Randy served as Pastor. We were around 25 or 26 when we helped out. Randy and Cathy were in town for Temple Hill's 125th anniversary. We were so glad we had a chance to see them....and spend time with them over at Steve and Sue Kuhn's. We had such a good time..and picked right up where we left off 25 years ago. Thanks Steve and Sue for the hospitality!!!!
Ken, Judy, Cathy, Randy

Randy, Cathy, Sue, and Steve

Back row: Cheryl, Lisa, Cathy
Front: Judy, Jolyn, Sue

On Tuesday morning Ken left for a business trip for 4 days. I felt blessed having lots of company and great care while he was gone. On Tuesday, my parents came for the day and spent the night. They also took me to Mercy Rehab for my therapy and were able to meet my therapists and watch my routine. On Wednesday, Jason, Emily and the kids moved in with me until Friday. It was wonderful having them here!!! Each morning the kids crawled in bed with me for about 1/2 hour.....what fun! Uncle Joel stayed overnight in our travel trailer....and the rest of us were in the house. Thank you Jason and Em for the great meals...and helping me soooo much while Dad was out of town!

Ken brought the old swingset frame up to the backyard..
.and put new swings on it...the kids had a blast.....Jason too

Annabelle taking a sniff of our morning glory's

Thursday morning around 8:00 a.m. we had almost 150+cyclists ride by our home...At the time the weather was beautiful and sunny....but within an hour it turned to lightening, thunder, and heavy rains. I sure hope the folks riding were okay....there's not much place for cover.

Isaac waived at every cyclist...and they all waived back..

One lady even told him "You have a cool bike!!!"

Jason and Seth went outside in the rain to get our mail....
look at Seth's bare was a warm rain "I'm singing in the rain.....just singing in the rain"

When Isaac was here....all three days he worked on his homeschooling. At almost 5 years old.... he loves to learn. He did phonics, math, and science.

My sister Linda sent me an updated picture of their grandson Elliott (Andrea and Clint Hoagland) who is just about 2 months old (born May 25th). What a sweetheart!

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