Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Sunday, July 6, 2008

What a Fun Weekend!!!

This was a dessert that Sarah and Abigail made
and brought to our house on Saturday
Friday, July 4th

We went to Onekama on the 4th of July and visited my parents and sister and brother-in-law. Although I didn't take any pictures (unbelievable!!!) a great time was had by all....and we enjoyed this precious time together.

Saturday, July 5th

Ken has been building a new set of steps to get up to the
pool.....I call them "user friendly" because they will be easier for me to
step up on when I go to the pool. He will be adding rails and a latched gait.
Here's some pics of Ken and Jason working on Saturday.

One of the things I am grateful for is that Ken taught his sons
many practical skills while they were growing up. The guys have
always enjoyed working on home projects together such as ourbarn,
Ken's grill pit, Kurt's roof, Jason's house, the round pen...just to name a few.
I'm sure our daughter-in-laws also appreciate these skills and abilities.....
it will save on many service calls i the years to come.

Annabele and Isaac tried on Grandpa's Cool sunglasses

The kids gave me stickers for my shirt....
lots of stickers

Pool time

Emily,Annabelle, Sarah, and Mike

Kids chowin' down

My sister Linda and brother-in-law Don stopped
at our house on their way back to Shepherd.
Annabelle warmed right up to Linda!

Sunday July 6th

This morning when we got to church Jim Morris, our choir director asked me if I would like to direct the choir anthem. Well....after I picked up my jaw from the floor...I happily agreed even though I had never seen the music before...and I haven't directed anything since last October.

And on a side note.....I don't think I have ever perspired so much directing in my life.
But Oh the joy I felt........."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".

And in addition I played a piano duet with Mark Britton for offertory. Even with a few fingers....I still feel I can serve the Lord in this ministry of music....and today....I was "pain free'!! PTL.

But perhaps one of the most memorable moments of the day was after the service when a young couple approached me after the service.....and low and behold it was Bruce and Paula DuVall from Grand Rapids. Bruce and Paula were former students of mine in Cadillac...and actually were in one of my Jr. high Musicals. anyway...they have been writing to me and praying for me for the past several weeks and they have been a true encouragement. see them again face to face was a great thrill!!!! Thanks for visiting Rollins Bruce and both look great...and our reunion truly took me back in time! I also was able to see Deb Morgan...another sister in Christ and pray warrior who was visiting this weekend.

Tonight Ken fixed a little campfire and we enjoyed "s'more" time with Joel.
Our dogs were pretty intent on getting a little nibble if they had the chance!

Look at those begging eyes

Joel likes his marshmallows burned that's the way to fix a marshmallow

1 comment:

Debbie said...


What a joy and a blessing it was to see you directing the choir yesterday morning! It brought chills down my arms. God has truly given you a gift and a talent. I thought you had practiced the song over and over - you led it is though you knew it inside and out. Thanks for using your gifts and abilities even though they are not the way they used to be. We still love to hear you play! God is SO good! You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers!
Love, Pastor Bart & Debbie & Ethan too :-)