Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ups and Downs ......Highs and Lows

This was a peculiar week and I wasn't quite sure how to share my info with I decided to basically categorize it by my Ups and Highs and Lows. I start with the downs so you can see that the ups win!!!!!

Here are the lows

1. I was denied for the second time from MESSA regarding the at home narrow band UVB light therapy equipment. Their answer is that it does not meet the criteria of my plan coverage, and there is not enough research supporting the success rate or effectiveness of this type of treatment.

2. My new auto-immune suppressant drug called Cellcept is not agreeing with me as well as Methotrexate did. I am having more "flare ups".....and need to discuss this with my specialist.
Side effects of this med seem to be more evident than Methotrexate.

3. My hemoglobin is low (for a woman my age). It has been running around 9.4, 9.6, and most recently 9.2 The normal range is 13-14. No wonder I feel more option is to get two units of blood if I go below 9.

4. I was in the emergency room Thursday from 2:00 in the afternoon until 10:00 at night.
I'll spare you the details!!!! But in the pun intended...I will need to have a colonoscopy to identify the problem.

5. My lowest low this week was when they had to draw blood at emergency...and insert an IV.
Ouch, cry, squeeze Ken's hand, cry some more(not real loud....just lots of tears), squeeze harder, complain, cry, try to relax. So after all of that, they never did get any blood...due to my thickened, hard skin.....but they did insert a needle into my right arm, just below the shoulder and were able to draw just enough to get a CBC (complete blood count).Everyone was so nice to me and apologetic.......I don't blame them......actually I don't blame anyone:)....this is how it is.

Thankfully......there is one very special friend that works in the lab who can draw my blood and get it on the first attempt! Although she can't see/find the vein...she knows exactly where to go in and at what angle to go in at. Now, I will only schedule my blood work when Penny is working!

Here are the highs

1. My hand therapy is continuing.....and I am seeing more softening in the elbow area of my arm. As time goes on we are looking for more softening of the forearm, wrists, and hands.

2. My little "medical emergency" on Thursday happened while I was at Jason and Emily's. Emily was an immediate help to me and I was thankful i was not alone. Thank you Emily!

3. I am so thankful that I can call on our sons and daughter-in laws, along with family and friends to pray immediately when my health takes odd turns. Thank you Kurt and Heidi, Jason and Emily, Mom and Dad, Ron and Carol, and Rollins Christian Fellowship, and our many friends.

4.Even with my low energy....I was able to walk pretty well this week.

5. While in the hospital....I knew many of the medical staff...and while waiting to be seen by the emergency Dr., my occupational therapist Ilia Arnold, came over to the hospital and worked with my hands.....and prayed for us. Thank you Ilia!!!!

6. While in the waiting room I saw my friend Bonnie Liabenow and their son Jordan (former student). It was great to see them and chat during our long wait. (the emergency room was packed that day) Thank you Bonnie and Jordan!!!!

7. While in the treatment room, and just after Ken stepped out for a minute, my friends s Amy and Paul Bizzigotti just happened to be in the emergency room as well and they stopped by to see me and stayed while Ken was gone. Thank you Amy and Paul!!!!

8. Around 9:00 p.m. Ken had to leave to pick up Joel to take him home for the evening, let the dogs out, and get Joel settled in for bed. Jonathan Cooper came to the house to stay with Joel so Ken could go back to the hospital. Thank you Jonathan!!!
I was a little anxious about being alone, so we called our friend Janet Neyer, and she came to emergency and sat with me until Ken came back. Thank you Janet!!!! (glad you didn't get a speeding ticket:)

9.During the week I had sweet reunions on the phone or in person with the following people:
Lauren Hagerman, Sister in-law Pat and Brother in-law Dave Bos, Sarah and Rachel Lamphere, Justin Scott(Heidi's brother), Bob, Shirley, and Jason Michelle Baum....and her kids.

So......there it is.....The highs outweigh the lows! You have to look at the bright side of situations and find the blessings in things instead of doom and gloom. I know I could easily get discouraged and defeated....But I always remember that God is bigger than any of my problems, I am faced with......He is in control.......He knows the beginning from the end....He IS the Alpha and Omega...the beginning and the end!!! Thank you once again for your continued love, friendship, and prayer support. Be thankful for every day of your life.

P.S. Thank you David for being flexible with Ken's schedule so he could be with me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And we thank God with you, Judy, for every victory, no matter the size. We will continue to pray for your healing and for God to do wonders through your trials.
"And we know that all things work together for good..." Rom. 8:28