Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stink Bugs

I used a zoom....and did not get too close....
Creepy.....smelly bugs

Along with the amazing color and beauty of the fall season also is the besiege of the dreaded "stink bug"!!! I have detested stink bugs for as long as I've known about them. They taunt me by landing on the living room picture windows......sometimes as many as "THREE" at a time!! Occasionally I flick them with my finger off the screen, I have brushed them away with whatever I can get my hands on to brush them away with, and then I have made the ultimate "bad choice"....I have squashed them with my shoe! ARGHHHHH......what a wretched smell one little bug can give off! Not only the initial "stink".....but the lasting odor that challenges you not to squish any of his relatives!!! This morning I researched this little pest to learn more about it's "defenses". I have attached three websites that I thought you may find interesting........if you are as inquisitive as I.

Not only are the stink bugs trying to make their way into our humble abode, so are the lady bugs! "They're everywhere They're everywhere!!!" could easily shout as you wander around on a fall day......and it's the truth! How could such little bugs pose such an annoyance to mankind? Well.....when you look at it.....some people can be as annoying as stink bugs and lady bugs...the difference can't squish them with your shoe!!! (nor would I want to! I'm just joking people....just joking!)

So for now......I'll tighten down the doors and windows....check the screens....and usher the ones out that want to hibernate in here for the winter. I'll use these shoes for walkin'........that's just what I'll of these days those bugs will never ever bother you!.

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