Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Most of you know that Ken and I just returned from a trip to Washington DC where we had the privilege of meeting with over 15 legislative staff members rallying for two bills before the House and Senate. We traveled with the Executive Director of the Michigan Chapter of the Scleroderma Foundation and met up with 50 others from across the United States.

Our purpose was to rally get co-sponsorship for bills H.R. 2408 and S. 1545 called “The Scleroderma Research And Awareness Act”. By the time we left Washington we were up to 59 co-sponsors in the House and 4 co-sponsors from the Senate. These are non partisan bills.

I am writing this to all of you who follow our blog. I know that you are aware that I have the disease Scleroderma but I do not know if you are aware of the pending bills.

We have gained the co-sponsorships of Rep. Pete Hoekstra and Senator Debbie Stabenow but not Senator Carl Levin. That is why I am writing to you for your help! I believe that Senator Levin will vote yes if it comes to the Senate floor, but his Legislative Assistant Kristina Ko said he would not co-sponsor. We need Senator Levin’s co-sponsorship of this critically important bill to get it to a vote in the Senate!!!

I am asking you to please call Senator Levin’s office in Washington at (202)224-6221 or email him at and ask him to please reconsider co-sponsoring S. 1585. Let them know that a friend of yours who has scleroderma recently met with Ms. Kristina Ko and that you were hoping they will re-consider their position.
You can tell them you are familiar with scleroderma and that you want to see funding increased. The best days to call are Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 8:30-6:00.

I have a copy of the bill if you would like to read it! I'll just scan and send it! Please email me at or call me at 775-8446 if you have any questions. I invite you to join Ken and me in this effort but certainly understand if for certain reasons you are unable to. Your call can make a difference!!!! Thank you immensely for taking the time to read this and please pass it along to others who you know who may be interested.

Today was quite the day!! On Tuesdays I am attending a Bible study at First Baptist Church in Cadillac and we are studying the book of Esther.
It is a powerful study and God is teaching me so much!!! The video bible study is led by Beth Moore....
Check out her website.....she is an outstanding Bible teacher with lots of resources!

Also this the matter of prayer request:
  • Please pray for our Mom, Lois Hopkins who has suffered a compression fracture in her back (actually i think she has 2 compression fractures) She has been in "gradually getting worse" pain since last Wednesday. She went to her cancer doctor today and had several xrays and a ct scan.....praise God...there was no cancer! but the fractures are some of the worst pain a person can suffer. prayerfully...and hopefully in the next few days she will improve!
  • Please pray for Ralph Trowbridge who in is the hospital undergoing several tests....they really don't know what is going on....but God does!
  • Joel has been having a couple of rough days at school......mostly behavior...and we're not sure why he sometimes acts the way he does :( But we love him...and keep as much structure for him at home as possible! Thankfully when we were gone to Washington
    he was great for Jason and Emily!
  • Please pray for the sale of Kurt and Heidi's home in Jenison. They will be moving to Kenosha, Wisconsin in a few months and would really like to see their house sold before they move:)

As always.....thank you for following our blog....and feel free to share it with people you know!

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