Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Friday, January 29, 2010

Funny....but also a good lesson!

Today our golden retriever Zoey put her head in a garbage can......and when she pulled it out..the lid stuck around her neck! Now because I couldn't pull it off very well...she had to leave it there until Ken came home for lunch. All in all it remained there for almost three hours.
During those three hours I watched her try to maneuver from here and there occasionally bumping into things, she wasn't very happy either....kind of a sad look in her eyes and she laid at my feet. I sat there thinking of this contraption around her neck and the burden it brought her....but there was nothing she could do about it....until her Master came home:)
It reminded me of the burden of sin that hangs around our necks like a big contraption. Not only our necks....but our whole being!!! I thought of things like alcohol, drugs, lying, stealing, cheating, violence, and the list goes on. All of these things remind me of garbage...and we stick our noses(lives) into the can....sometimes it gets hooked around our necks....and we can't flee it until the Master frees us.
Jesus is the one who paid the price for our sins....who by his death and resurrection gave us a way to become free from the burdens that weigh us down!! When we ask.....He will remove the garbage cans....and lids.....from our lives and forgive us from our sins. In obedience and out of love for our Savior......and our Father God....we must learn to keep our heads (and lives) out of the garbage cans of life!!