Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

An Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude, appreciation, or thankfulness is a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive.

For the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit:

For allowing me to go through this trial to become closer to Him
For the "Comforter" that is with me at all times....even in the depths of despair.
I am thankful that I can play piano even with five working fingers....
and had the blessing and opportunity to play the piano
with 10 fingers for 48 years...out of 52..
and I can use this gift from God to glorify Him!!
For my salvation through Jesus savior and Friend!!!

For my husband Ken:

He works hard to provide for his honest and reliable.
He looks out for my best interest and helps me to cope day by day.
He makes me laugh.....helps me not to cry....lifts me up when I feel weak.
He loves me unconditionally......for better, for worse, in sickness, and in health.
He loves the Lord....and trusts God's path and plan for us.

For our sons Jason and Kurt:

They are Godly young men mature beyond their years.
They are affectionate and nurturing.....yet with a bold inner strength.
They are very funny and animated......and somewhat a tease..
They show deep respect with compassion and care.
They are images of their earthly father....and true to their heavenly Father.

For our Daughter-in-laws Emily and Heidi:

They are beautiful on the inside and out....
They make their houses a home....warm and inviting.
They are so caring and kind....and make me feel so loved.
They are wonderful mommy's...who view their children as a gift from God,
They adore their husbands (our sons) and are the perfect blend!

For our son Joel:

He has an incredible heart to accept everyone for who they are....
His personality is joyful, extroverted, and outgoing (sometimes to a fault)
Joel's talent musically is gifted....on the tune..don't worry about the words!
Fundraising is a real strength......and so is greeting people at Habitat Restore.

For my family and friends:

For the amazing support and acts of kindness...
For the sweet phone conversations and laughter and tears...
For the many cards, letters, and emails....all filled with love and concern...
For the total availability to be there when I need you.

1 comment:

Nichols 6 said...

Judy, we love you and are praying for you daily. You have been such a blessing to us, and a true example of God's love. Thank you for all you do.
