Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Friday, April 25, 2008

Birds, Coyotes, and Bears OH My!!!

An afternoon at Aunt Jeanne's and Uncle Les
Baby ducks that peep!! I guess they don't get their quackers until later.

Isaac and Seth petting the baby chicks

Emily, Annabelle, and niece Joy Housler

There are at least 35 baby chicks and 5 ducklings in the brooder

Too little to hold.....just right to pet!

Annabelle intently watching the chicks

2 adorable duckies

Peep Peep

Isaac snuggling with one of Jeanne's cats

Sister-in-laws!!! For almost 30 years!

Aunt Jeanne and Annabelle

Notice the similar hair style!

There's a bear in the living room!!! YIKES!

Brave Issac!! Seth was a little more skeptical if the bear was real or not

Isaac and a coyote rug

Seth taking a coyote "rug ride"
Thanks for the wonderful time Aunt Jeanne!!
We all had lots of fun...and it was great spending time together!

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