Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Nichols Overnight Campout

Once a year as a family we get together for an camp out on the back of our 55 acres. Events of the day normally include swimming, enjoying a delicious supper, play time outside, then back to the woods where we camp, ride the Rhino (4 X 4 utility) enjoy a fire with s'mores, and end the evening with fireworks over an open field out back. Then to bed everyone goes....hopefully sleeps....then on Saturday morning we enjoy a big breakfast.....which had to be inside this year due to rain. After breakfast it's just relaxing and visiting until lunch.....when we indulge ourselves again.....have more outdoor playtime....then pack up to go our separate ways. As the kids get older, we are hoping to turn this into two nights of camping....but right now...with seven children under the age of 5....this is the best schedule! We had lots of laugh and really enjoyed our time together. Ken and I feel very blessed that we can spend this time with our sons and their families.....these are memories to cherish the rest of our lives.

To see last year's campout click here:

The family time in the pool
I was the official photographer for the day...
so I didn't venture into the water

Seth and Emily

Jason and Annabelle

Uncle Joel piggy-backing Isaac
Isaac, Kurt, and Andrew

Aunt Heidi and Annabelle

Kurt and Heidi

Andrew lounging around

Grandpa and Seth having a battle of the water gun and net

The twins in their swimsuits

Kurt and Rachelle "pouty faces"

Jason and Annabelle

Isaac and Seth......warming up....the pool was warmer
than sitting out in the breeze.

Our feast.....we never seem to lack for good food.

Our dogs drooling over Ken's barbecued ribs

Jason and Joel shooting hoops

Isaac taking Jonny for a ride on the Gator

Jason, Seth, and Annabelle after supper


Uncle Joel and Jonny after supper

Seth and Rachelle just before we went to the back of the property

Uncle Joel playing Frisbee with the boys

Heidi and I, Isaac and Jonny

Seth and Andrew relaxing

Andrew running around the campsite

Our camp site included two tents and a trailer.
Kurt and Heidi and kids all slept in their new family
tent. Jason and Em opted for the trailer.....Joel used his tent...
and Ken and I slept at the "Nichols Bed and Breakfast" (our house)

Kurt and Heidi handing out glow rings for all of us.
If it would have been completely dark we would have
looked like aliens landing. Even Ken had two glow bands around his head!!

Big boys and their sparklers
Aunt Emily and Kirsten snuggled by the fire

Jonny and Andrew watching Grandpa's fireworks

Jason and Emily enjoying the fireworks
A parting picture of Friday night

Saturday morning the boys all got a bath....
yikes the water was murky when they were done!!
It's a good thing we have a big tub...they won't all fit in it much longer.

Heidi reading to Andrew....while Jonny is fast asleep on the couch,
and the girls are just rolling around!
Jonny was the last child to bed on Friday night....11:30 p.m.

Here are some parting shots of the grand kids for the day before everyone went home.
I've included the b-days and year for fun!

Isaac 10/09/03

Andrew 01/12/05

Seth 07/28/05

Jonny 10/30/ 06

Annabelle 03/29/07 Rachelle and Kirsten 12/24/07


Natalie said...

Cool pics, Judy. You are so blessed. I miss my big kid, but am thankful that he is listening to the Lord as well.


Anonymous said...

Ah, the family times are the times we'll remember!
It's so good to see how your family is doing. Praise God for all his blessings...:)

Anonymous said...

i love all of the kids peeking through the railing!
i guess all of that picture taking pays off!