Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

When NOT to Cry!!!

As many of you know (especially Ken) on occasion I have my little "melt down" crying sessions.
Sometimes......for no particular reason at all! Well..... during those little episodes...a person can learn alot about when to....and when NOT to turn on the spicket! Here are my lessons learned as to when not to cry: I hope you find them helpful to your tearful situation...should you ever find yourself in that predicament....or blessing...depends how you view it.

#1 Do not cry if you do not have access to a kleenex box! (or paper towel, or toilet paper)

#2 Do not cry when you are reading or on the will experience blurred vision

#3 Do not cry when you are driving. (I don't need to explain)

#4 Do not cry in front of your animals......they become very distressed and tend to follow
you around until the whimpering subsides.

#5 Do not cry when answering the phone because "sniff, whimper, muffled sound, gasp,
sniff again, swallow hard, whimper".....people may not understand you on the other end of
the line!!!

#6 And not cry when you are receiving narrow band uvb light treatment and
you are wearing goggles......because they fill up like little lakes...and you cannot see!!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

What a great I just have to convince my eyes! Loved that
Praying you have a "tear-less" day today!
Love you bunches