I rarely send in a letter to the editor but a recent comment made by our President hit a nerve with me, so here is the letter I wrote.
President Obama made an appearance on a comedy show and when asked about his bowling score Obama bragged that he recently bowled a 129 on the white house alley, and then he said, “it’s like Special Olympics or something”. I am outraged by this comment and find it extremely offensive to my family and those who are dedicated to Special Olympics and the amazing outreach they have.
Some people may defend that he was just joking! Wake up America....this was not funny! In our family we have an amazing 24 year old special needs son who is a tremendous human being! He has participated in many Special Olympic sports (including bowling) for the past several years and he is so proud of his accomplishments, We have come to know many coaches and volunteers that serve this organization with their whole hearts and they are very respected and loved for their service and commitment.
Shame on the President of our United States of America for flippantly making a comment like this. I also disagree that he took the time to appear on a comedy show when we have a nation in economic crisis, the threat of terrorism, and total break down in the trust in our government. I pray God shows mercy on this country and that people will stay strong in their faith that God is in control, and NOT man! Thanks for reading this.
Here is the video link:
Update: Evidently there was an apology http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/03/20/obama-apologizes-special-olympics-bowling-joke/..
But I have always been taught: "THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!"....So....I still find the flippant comment offensive!
Appeal, For Love’s Sake
6 years ago
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