Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Friday, March 13, 2009

This Past Week's Events

I have no idea where my weeks are going.....but I can tell you they are going by fast!!!! Yet sometimes not fast enough as we wait for the snow to melt!!! I was trying to remember what I did this week:) Do you ever keep track of a week? It's complicated isn't it!!?

I know on Monday it was FREEZING out again with lots of snow lingering from last Sunday evening and I didn't go anywhere. On Tuesday I went with Joel to his dentist appointment......3 cavities filled......arghhh....but he was such a trooper and really entertains the dental staff at Dental health Professionals. Our Dentist is Dr. Giglio (jee-lee-oh) and he has a wonderful way with Joel...humorous..compassionate..and complimentary! Joel's next appointment is April Fool's he is already scheming up a practical joke!

Wednesday was windy and blustery and cold I did not leave the comfort of our home! On Thursday.....I had Thursday's with Grandma with Isaac and Seth. I always look forward to this time with the boys and we experience all sorts of joys during the day! One of the highlights is our weekly game of "hide and seek". I know.....slow moving Grandma's quite a humorous sight to see me scurry to hide! But oh the joy when they find me!!!!!! I always let out a big "AHHHH" when they find me...and the chase continues as we search for each other when we get our turn! Seth by far is the quickest counter.....when it's his turn to goes like this......1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 17,20....."here I come....ready or not!!" Then we go back and count again....much slower...using all 20 numbers!! You've gotta be quick when hiding on Seth!

Later in the day when Seth was napping and Isaac was having quiet time I had made a call to Nancy Lanning about an upcoming shower. Well, while we were talking I told her that Isaac was building a dump truck and was on step #21. She mentioned that maybe he will be an engineer like Grandpa Kenny or a builder. After I was off the phone I told Isaac what Nancy said....and he said "Oh no Grandma...I'm not going to be an engineer....I am going to be a missionary!" Can you call Nancy back and tell her that?? So I did.....smiling all the way!! Oh....a missionary...AND an artist!
On Thursday evening Emily picked me up and took me to a wedding shower for Hannah (Haven) Cruz. I had the blessing of bringing the devotional for the shower.....and am praising God for giving me the words to encourage Hannah in her new marriage!
Fiamm has cut back to four day work weeks in the months of Feb. and March, so Ken and I have been enjoying our Friday's together. Last week he baked Amish Friendship bread and delivered to people and this week he dropped me off at CHS for an hour to listen to the CHS Chorale who is going to District Choir Festival next week. We grabbed a quick Mickey D lunch and enjoyed a quiet afternoon.
Below is a picture of me, Cori Brown, and Ann Hunt. Cori is the Choir director at CHS and Ann is her accompanist. It was wonderful to hear the students sing! The musicianship is excellent and I was moved to tears as I listened to the beauty of the songs! Cori's style of teaching is soooo much like mine! She is organized, disciplined, precise, and the students show her great respect! Oh wait.....the big difference between us though is that she keeps her desk neat and tidy.....and mine was ALWAYS a mess:)
Thanks Cori for having me in to "share the moment"....I loved it!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh. You made me remember Natalie at about 3 or so. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, teen, teen, teen, teen..." Funny, cute. How fast they grow!

Glad you got out for an afternoon. You've had a winter of it, that's for sure. We're supposed to get into the 50's this week, so warmer weather can't be far behind for you.