Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Please Pray!!!!

We received a phone call Sunday letting us know that our friend Sue Kuhn has been admitted to the hospital and will undergo surgery Monday for a brain tumor/mass. Sue is a close friend from Temple Hill Baptist in Cadillac and took me to many of my appointments in Traverse City last year....sometime two per week!

Well.....knowing Sue like I do...I wanted to talk with her before I called up to Munson and was able to talk with Sue for a few minutes. Sue is one of the most kindest women I know....with a true heart for hospitality and gift of nurturing others. She is an extremely humble woman and would never want anyone to "fuss over" her.......but I'll tell you friends.....I am going to "fuss over" her tonight and the days to come and ask you, and others you may share this with, to pray specifically for Sue, her husband Steve, their family....and for her surgery.

Please pray:
1.That Sue would have a peaceful evening tonight
2. For the surgeons and the medical team that assists
3. That the surgery would go well and that mass is safely
4. That the family is comforted.
5. That in everything God will be glorified!

Sue said to me on the phone that her faith will carry her through and that she is so thankful for the love and support of family and friends. She was able to see her month old grand-daughter today (Mark's baby)...and she was resting comfortably. We prayed together and acknowledged that God is in control of all situations, that He is the Great Physician, and that we take each day as it comes.....trusting and praising Him. When we said goodbye....Sue was more concerned about praying for me....than thinking about her surgery! That is so typical of Sue Kuhn.....always putting others first!

So my dear friends.......thank you for praying!

love, Judy

This picture was taken last July

Front row....Judy, Jolyn, Sue

Back row...Cheryl, Lisa, Cathy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh My Goodness! Thank you so much for letting us know! I've known Sue since High School and lived with her during our college years. You were so right in your description of her---she is a sweetheart, a humble servant. I will be praying, and will wait for Good News. Thanks,Judy.
Love and Prayers...