Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursdays With Grandma

In an effort to give Emily a break once a week so she can rest up before baby Nichols arrives in November, and to spend some one on one time with Annabelle.....I have offered to take Isaac and Seth every Thursday from now until whenever! so....Today was our second "Thursday" together. We've decided to call it "Thursday with Grandma" idea I got from reading "Tuesdays with Morrie". Each Thursday I will have a pictorial review of our day together....and little blips of our adventures!

I hope you enjoy this weekly blog......I know that it is a highlight of my week since I am home everyday! I also want to say I have a deep appreciation for our daughter-in-laws Emily and Heidi as they care for their very small children when dads are at work! It is a huge responsibility and takes an enormous amount of energy, patience, and love. Especially when your consider the ages of their children......they both do an amazing job!!!! You have my deepest respect for what you do every day!!!

Seth started his morning out
playing play dough then took a 2 hour nap!

Isaac played in the bathroom sink
in what he called his water imagination
station! What was equally nice is that when he finished...
he cleaned everything up and made the sink "sparkle"

Grandpa comes home everyday at lunch....
and today he fixed us bologna sandwiches and soupy jello!

So we just had to eat the soupy jello with straws!!!!


Just after lunch as we were getting ready to go visit
Uncle Joel's classroom....we found this bird in our garage,
Thankfully Zoey and Cash did not get to it.......and by the
time we got had flown away!!

We surprised Joel at Wex. Missaukee ISD
He loved the visit.....and introduced his nephews to everyone!

Grandma, Joel,Isaac and Seth

After we got home....I took the boys
for a ride on the Rhino (4 X 4) and took a few pics
by the old beech tree way out back.
Then we stopped over to Jane's house....picked her up in the
Rhino and explored her property.....stopping once to pick up
golf balls in the field!

After returning from our adventures....Grandma imposed
what I called a "mandatory rest" for 30 minutes!
Basically.....the rest was for me!!!! but thankfully the
boys went along with the idea.

Isaac wrapped himself up like a cocoon
on our floor. But don't let him fool you....
he was not asleep when I took this picture!

And at the end of the day....the boys wanted to pick
some flowers to take home to "Mommy"
Here's something else that I wanted to share:
With my "scleroderma" disability I am limited in so many things I used
to be able to do. For instance, the mobility is limited so much in my hands that I cannot
pick up anything from from the floor, or do anything that requires fine motor skills.
Well...a blessing about "Thursdays" is that Isaac and Seth are more than happy to do what I can't.
If I drop something, they are right there to pick it up. If I can't open/close/etc. an item, they are happy to oblige! I have noticed a "servant's heart" in our grandchildren....and if one of my purposes in life is to help nurture that gift.......I am blessed by the opportunity!
Every time we went outside, the boys held the door wide open and waited until I was safely through! Seth always insists to help me out of my chair....and even includes a vocal "grunt" as he helps pull me up! Just thought I'd share!!!

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