Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My verse for today: Give all your worries and cares to God for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Shelem and Diane Flemons (back center)
and the staff at Times of Refreshing.

Cooking class! Today veggie burgers, yesterday
home-made rolls!

Celenia, Shane and me in the kitchen

After my treatment today I was treated to a facial! Hey Ken....How do you like my new line of makeup? The hospital gown really finishes the look out don't you think? P.S. I won' t look like this when I get off the plane:)
Thank you once again everyone for the many cards, calls, emails, and
prayer! Tomorrow is my last day here....then home I come on Thursday.
God has taught me many lessons while I have been here.....two of the biggest are
trusting Him for everything....and patience to run the course that God
has planned, and not the path I would have chosen for myself I'm learning......yet I know I still have a journey to travel.....thank you for
coming along with me via technology!


Anonymous said...

i will have to read the book "Are you my mother" again to find out how the baby bird recognized his mother!

Emily Rose Nichols said...

love the new look Judy. Totally vogue.
