Living With Scleroderma With a Smile


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!!!!

As I travel this road back home to Michigan and to my
husband and family I am once again thanking God for
bringing me to "Times of Refreshing". I thank Him for
the progress I have made, and look forward to
the progress I will continue to make once I am
home. My journey that began October 28th still
is an amazing one.....and a humbling experience how
an Almighty God take someone like me through
the valley and up the mountainside.
My desire is to continue to serve him with my
"piano hands", despite any discomfort that
comes my way....I will serve, because I know that
He will make a way....where there seems to be no way..
and He will do the same for you....when you call upon Him.
Thank you once again.....from the bottom of my heart!

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